Western Ratsnake Smiling

Western Ratsnake

I photographed this Western Ratsnake crossing the asphalt section of the tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma back in June 2017. This Ratsnake is smiling for my camera! How I Got The Shot – Western Ratsnake I spotted this Ratsnake while driving, and I was able to stop and get out … Read more

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron With Crayfish

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

I photographed this Yellow-crowned Night-Heron eating a Crayfish at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma back in June 2017. They appear at this refuge during this month and I can usually find them close to the tour road after a rain. The Yellow-crowned Night-Heron eats mainly crustaceans (crabs and crayfish) as well as insects, … Read more

Prairie Lizard Peeking From Behind Board

Prairie Lizard

This is the same Prairie Lizard I posted about a couple of days ago (Prairie Lizard From Above). I have several of these lizards that like to hang around my deck at my cabin near the Ouachita National Forest here in Arkansas. I saw a second one just below this one but closer to the … Read more

Prairie Lizard And Spider

Prairie Lizard

Look close and you can see a spider on the back of this Prairie Lizard that I photographed here in Arkansas. The spider was crawling all over this lizard and the lizard didn’t pay it any attention. Prairie Lizards do eat spiders but It was busy watching me. How I Got The Shot – Prairie … Read more

Great Egret Standing In Tall Vegetation

Great Egret

I photographed this Great Egret sneaking through tall vegetation at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. It was trying to catch crayfish, but it wasn’t successful while I was around. I had seen a Great Blue Heron doing the same thing the day before and it caught several. How I Got The Shot – … Read more

Opossum Before The Flood

Opossum Walking Through Grass

I photographed this Opossum on May 19, 2019, at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma before it flooded. This Refuge is now under water due to flooding. This flood is breaking all kinds of records for Oklahoma and Arkansas. More rain is on the way! The Arkansas River reached 38.2 feet on Sunday near … Read more

Bald Eagle In May

A Bald Eagle - 20190517-2055

I photographed this Bald Eagle last week while driving the tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. The Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge hosts some of the largest bald eagle populations in Oklahoma. They even have a live Bald Eagle cam setup on one of the nests (view the camera). How I Got … Read more

Whitetail Doe Under Tree

Whitetail Doe Under A Tree

I was on the asphalt section of the tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. This Whitetail Doe was under a tree that was in a field that’s known as Goss Field on the north side of the road. How I Got The Shot I had my Fujifilm X-T3 camera resting on … Read more

Cedar Waxwing Eating Mulberry

Cedar Waxwing Eating Mulberry

I photographed this Cedar Waxwing eating a mulberry in a Mulberry tree at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. This refuge has several Mulberry trees and during this time of year you can see all types of birds eating the Mulberries. How I Got The Shot – Cedar Waxwing Eating Mulberry I have one … Read more