As a wildlife photographer, I’m always on the lookout for those special, fleeting moments in nature. This year, I’ve noticed a lack of whitetail fawn twins at my local Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Twins are not uncommon for whitetails, so I’m hopeful I’ll still spot some pairs this season. However, twins remind me of one of my favorite photos from over a decade ago.

In August 2009, I captured an endearing image of whitetail fawn twins sharing a meal in Goss Field at the refuge. As they dined together in the field, they exemplified the special bond between twins. Their contentment in each other’s company was evident. To get the shot, I rested my camera and lens on a bean bag in the open window of my pickup. From the comfort of my vehicle, I was able to snap this precious moment.
I’ve included the photo of the twins as well as individual portraits of each fawn. Their spotted coats, tiny frames, and long eyelashes capture their innocence and youth. As fawns, they rely heavily on each other for survival before joining the larger herd.
My encounter reminds me of the wonders of nature that unfold each season at my beloved refuge. I feel fortunate to document these special sights as a wildlife photographer. Though I haven’t seen fawn twins yet this year, I know more memorable moments await. I’ll be ready with my camera in hand.
Steve Creek