In the midst of the verdant landscape of Oklahoma’s Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I was fortunate enough to cross paths with a fleeting fawn, a chance encounter that I knew I had to capture with my camera. Armed with my trusty Canon EOS 1D Mark III, which was carefully perched on a bean bag resting on my pickup’s window, I was ready to capture the essence of nature in a single moment.
As luck would have it, the fawn approached a flower, creating a serendipitous moment that I could not resist. With my camera set to burst mode, I managed to capture a flurry of clicks as the fawn appeared to delicately kiss the petals.

This photograph stands as a testament to the unexpected beauty that can be found in nature. It reminds us to stay alert and be ready to capture the magic of the world around us.
Spring is a time of new beginnings, and for Whitetail Fawns, it is a time of emergence. Between the months of April and June, these tiny creatures come into the world, exploring their woodland, forest, and meadow homes. With their endearing spotted coats, they blend seamlessly into their surroundings, ensuring their safety during their early months. Throughout this time, their mother is always close by, providing nourishment as they grow and mature. By the time they reach five months old, they are almost fully grown, and their coats transform from spotted to a rich, solid reddish-brown, marking their transition into adulthood.