Whitetail Doe And Fawn Reflection
Capturing a Moment in the Wild: The Whitetail Doe and Fawn Reflection: While I was enjoying a peaceful morning on the Phillip Parks Memorial Fishing Pier at…
Explore the diverse locations in Oklahoma where I capture wildlife through my photography. This category serves as a guide to destinations that offer opportunities to observe various bird species, mammals, reptiles, and aquatic life.
Capturing a Moment in the Wild: The Whitetail Doe and Fawn Reflection: While I was enjoying a peaceful morning on the Phillip Parks Memorial Fishing Pier at…
First-hand account of witnessing a River Otter eating a catfish head. Includes a vivid description of the Otter’s resilience and fascinating behavior up close.
Witness a Great Blue Heron’s surprising swimming technique to catch prey at Oklahoma’s Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
A wildlife photographer describes encountering a female Red-eared Slider turtle attempting to lay eggs in the parking lot of a boat launch area.
During my recent expedition to the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, luck was on my side as I encountered a young Bald Eagle near the auto tour road.
An account of witnessing a raccoon enjoying a carp meal in the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, with details on raccoon behavior and diet.
As I was documenting the Prothonotary Warbler building its nest in a tree cavity, I noticed it flew near my pickup with something in its beak – a spider.
Witness the captivating territorial display of the Red-winged Blackbird at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Learn the science behind the show.
A wildlife photographer returns to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge and gets an amazing close-up photo of a Barred Owl.
See a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in action! This blog post features a photo of a flycatcher hovering near Sequoyah’s Auto Tour Road and Tuff Boat Ramp.
A wildlife photographer encounters a Barred Owl in the fog at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge and shares the challenges and rewards of getting the shot.
Recently, I had the pleasure of photographing a Pied-billed Grebe with a Crawdad at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Although it appears darker in color due to being wet, I couldn’t help but notice its resemblance to the Cinnamon Raccoon. I don’t believe it to be a true…
A snake encounter in a wood duck nest box at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge and tips for installing successful wood duck nest boxes to deter predators.
I had the opportunity to witness a North American Beaver enjoying its morning meal. The Lower Scarborough Slough can be found just north of the 4-corners…