I’ve been trying to photograph a litter of four coyote pups all summer at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge here in Oklahoma. My goal was to get a shot of all four pups together, but that dream photo has eluded me so far. However, on August 20th I finally managed to capture an image of one of the pups as it trotted along the edge of a freshly mowed field.

I parked near the Sandtown parking area on the auto tour road and set up my camera on a bean bag draped over the open window of my pickup truck. After about an hour of waiting, the lone pup emerged from the brush and began prowling through the grass. I snapped a few photos as it hunted for rodents along the field’s freshly cut edge.
Late summer is an ideal time to observe coyote pups as they have grown big enough to start joining parents on the hunt, perfect for a lucky photographer to capture. I’m thrilled to have this new shot for my wildlife portfolio and will keep trying for that iconic pack photo!
Note: On August 25, 2020, I was able to photograph one of the Coyote pups mousing near this same area: Coyote Pup Mousing at Sequoyah Wildlife Refuge