Majestic Survivor – The 9-Point Whitetail Buck

A Close Encounter with a 9-Point Whitetail Buck Crossing The Road

A wildlife photographer shares a close-up look at a mature 9-point Whitetail Buck and hopes the buck survives the final days of hunting season.

A Late Season Common Buckeye Butterfly at Sequoyah NWR

Common Buckeye Butterfly On The Forest Floor

An unusual November sighting of a Common Buckeye butterfly in Oklahoma, discussing why this sighting is uncommon and what might explain its late flight period.

Capturing Wildlife in the Lush Soybean Fields

Whitetail Fawn Stands in Soybean Field

Searching and photographing Whitetail Deer in the soybean fields at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma in mid-September.

Photographing The Vibrant Indigo Bunting

Close up Photograph of a Bright Blue Indigo Bunting

Wildlife photographer shares a photo and experience capturing a brilliant blue male Indigo Bunting singing near the road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.

Advanced Tips For Spotting Deer From Vehicle

White-tailed Buck Foraging for Acorns

Enhance your wildlife tour with these expert tips for spotting Whitetail Deer in National Wildlife Refuges. Maximize your viewing success!

Capturing a Green Heron’s Spider Snack

Green Heron With A Spider

A wildlife photographer blogs about observing and photographing a Green Heron eating a large spider at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.