Majestic Survivor – The 9-Point Whitetail Buck

A Close Encounter with a 9-Point Whitetail Buck Crossing The Road

A wildlife photographer shares a close-up look at a mature 9-point Whitetail Buck and hopes the buck survives the final days of hunting season.

Photographing a Swollen-Necked 8-point White-tailed Buck

8-point White-tailed Buck On Side Of The Auto Tour Road

Wildlife photographer Steve Creek recalls photographing an impressive swollen-necked 8-point White-tailed Buck during the fall rut in Oklahoma.

Whitetail Buck In Old Cornfield

Whitetail Buck In Old Cornfield

I photographed this Whitetail Buck in velvet at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. It was in an old cornfield that was left standing from the year before. How I Got The Photo: Whitetail Buck In Old Cornfield I was parked on the side of the auto tour road with my camera and lens … Read more