One of my most memorable foggy morning wildlife photography experiences happened at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. I was able to capture striking photos of a massive whitetail buck out checking does in a fog-laden field.

I parked my pickup truck on the side of the auto tour road near the 4-corners intersection within the refuge. This spot provided a great vantage point over a large open field. I positioned my camera and long lens on a bean bag draped over the truck’s open window. This allowed me to stabilize the setup while having freedom to pan and follow wildlife movement.
As the fog swirled through the field, I caught glimpses of a few does. Then, the huge buck emerged from the mist. His dark, robust figure contrasted beautifully with the white fog. I was able to capture some gorgeous shots of him standing proudly, surveying his domain. The fog added an ethereal, dreamlike quality to the scenes.
Having my equipment set up on the bean bag turned out to be crucial for capturing sharp photos in the low light and fog. I was able to smoothly track the buck as he crossed the field, rather than fumbling with handheld shooting.
The sun began burning through more strongly and the magical fog lifted later that morning. But I will never forget that encounter with the massive buck on a moody, mystical foggy dawn. It reinforced my love of photographing deer and other wildlife in foggy conditions. The reduced visibility makes the animals seem to materialize out of nothing. I’m already looking forward to the next foggy morning photo opportunity!
Let me know if you have any questions about wildlife photography on foggy mornings. The misty conditions require some adjustments but can result in truly unique and breathtaking images.