Whitetail Buck Being Curious

Whitetail Buck Being Curious

I was driving the auto tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma when I drove up on several Whitetail Deer. I stopped and began photographing these Deer. A young Whitetail Buck became curious and started walking toward my pickup. The Buck walked within 15 or 20 steps of me. I was outside … Read more

Whitetail Doe With Odd Growth

Whitetail Doe With Growth On Jaw

Learn about Fibromatosis in Whitetail Deer, its symptoms, and the role of wildlife photography in tracking this condition for better deer conservation efforts.

Whitetail Buck Walking Past Me

Whitetail Buck Walking Past Me

I photographed this Whitetail Buck walking past me while parked on the tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. He didn’t pay me any attention because he was watching a couple of Whitetail Does that just crossed in front of me. The Does crossed the tour road heading into an area they … Read more