I was delighted to capture these images of a whitetail fawn near my cabin in the Ouachita National Forest in Arkansas. It was around 12:30 pm on a sunny day in July (2018) when I spotted the fawn wandering near my yard.

I watch deer outside my cabin frequently, as they have become accustomed to my presence and regularly feed in my yard during the day. This particular fawn had meandered away from its mother for a moment, presenting the perfect photo opportunity.

To capture the shot, I carefully opened my front door part way while remaining seated on the floor inside. Bracing my camera on the door frame, I steadily aimed my Canon EOS 7D Mark II with a Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens out the opening. With the fawn in clear view just feet from my front deck, I was able to get a close-up portrait.

Here are the key camera settings used:
- Shooting Mode: Aperture Priority (AV)
- Aperture: f/7.1
- ISO: 1000
- Shutter Speed: 1/320 sec
- Focal Length: 200 mm
One useful tip for photographing easily-startled wildlife is to use a blind to conceal yourself. For this shot, my cabin served as an ideal blind, allowing me to open the door quietly and shoot from inside at the fawn’s eye level.
I feel fortunate to have wildlife like this fawn so close to my Arkansas cabin. Capturing memories like this through photography is a rewarding passion. I look forward to more opportunities to observe and photograph deer and other forest creatures near my home.