Survivors: Injured White-tailed Does
A wildlife photographer shares photos and stories of two injured white-tailed does spotted at a nature center and a wildlife refuge in Arkansas and Oklahoma.
A wildlife photographer shares photos and stories of two injured white-tailed does spotted at a nature center and a wildlife refuge in Arkansas and Oklahoma.
A wildlife photographer tells the story of a jumping spider who has become a friend and keeps him company while he processes photos and writes blog posts.
A wildlife photographer highlights the small brown Prairie Lizard found across the prairies and grasslands of the central United States.
I had a close encounter with a couple of insects known for their painful stings – Yellowjackets and Velvet Ants.
A wildlife photographer muses on the disappearance of Fowler’s Toads from their backyard this summer and hopes to spot this bumpy, golden-eyed toad again soon.
This post chronicles a wildlife photographer’s experience observing and documenting a pair of Tufted Titmice that nested in a backyard birdhouse.
The fuzzy baby titmouse struggled to swallow the sizable morsel, despite the adult’s efforts to push it down the chick’s throat.
Today, I am thrilled to share the latest development: the baby Tufted Titmouse have finally started peeking out of the birdhouse.
Hello nature enthusiasts! I am back with some thrilling updates on the Tufted Titmouse family that has made its home in one of my birdhouses.
Today, I bring you an update on the Red-bellied Woodpecker fledgling’s progress, shedding light on its remarkable transformation and newfound confidence.
Discover the enchanting world of Blue Jay fledglings through the lens of a wildlife photographer. Witness their photogenic charm and begging behavior.
A Tufted Titmouse diligently brings food to nurture their young. Witness their exceptional parenting skills in this blog post.
Discover the gripping tale of the Tufted Titmouse’s struggle against House Sparrow intrusion in their nesting territory.
Witness the captivating nesting habits of Eastern Bluebirds and Tufted Titmice in my backyard birdhouse.
Discover the captivating beauty and unique behaviors of the Brown Thrasher, a remarkable bird species found in my Arkansas yard.