A Double-crested Cormorant With A Shad at Kerr Dam
The split-second moment a Double-crested Cormorant swallows a shad at Robert S. Kerr Reservoir. Patience and timing are key to photographing this fast action.
The split-second moment a Double-crested Cormorant swallows a shad at Robert S. Kerr Reservoir. Patience and timing are key to photographing this fast action.
Discover the beauty of Great Blue Herons with fun facts, photography tips, and why protecting their wetland habitats matters.
See the Great Blue Heron’s fishing skills at Horton Slough! Stunning wildlife photography captures its hunting prowess in action.
A wildlife photographer recounts returning to Oklahoma to photograph a Great Blue Heron catching shad, capturing the impressive hunting skills of this bird.
A wildlife photographer blogs about the challenges of photographing animals at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma during the summer months.
Encountered a Ratsnake on the Sandtown Trail at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma. Took photos and enjoyed more wildlife sightings on this walk.
Photographed a singing Dickcissel at Sequoyah NWR in May. Fewer birds this year, but hopeful for their return. Learn about their habits, nesting, and migration.
A one-antlered Whitetail Buck spotted during shedding season at Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge offers a rare photo opportunity.