Chasing Lizards in the Wichita Mountains
A personal account of exploring the diverse lizard species at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, including the elusive Texas Horned Lizard.
Lizards: I seek out these scaly wonders in their diverse habitats. I capture their vibrant colors and unique behaviors. I photograph their sunbathing rituals and quick movements. I explore rocky outcrops, sandy deserts, and lush forests. I learn about their adaptations, from camouflage to shedding skin. I document their role in the ecosystem, from insect control to prey for other animals.
A personal account of exploring the diverse lizard species at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, including the elusive Texas Horned Lizard.
Wildlife photographer Steve Creek writes about encountering Green Anoles while photographing in the Ouachita National Forest in Arkansas in late October.
A wildlife photographer documents the incredible process of tail regrowth in lizards and skinks at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
A wildlife photographer describes encountering a Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle, Prairie Lizard, and dragonfly while hiking and captures close-up photos of them.
A wildlife photographer highlights the small brown Prairie Lizard found across the prairies and grasslands of the central United States.
I had the pleasure of photographing a Green Anole displaying its vibrant dewlap. This sighting was on my property near the Ouachita National Forest in Arkansas.
While walking the Sandtown trail at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma I came across a Western Slender Glass Lizard.
Green Anoles, also known as American chameleons, are fascinating lizards that are known for their climbing abilities. They are native to the southeastern United States and can often be found in gardens and parks, where they can be seen scurrying up trees and bushes in pursuit of their next meal. Here is another Green Anole … Read more
One day, I was hanging out on my deck and saw a Prairie Lizard climbing up one of the antlers. I quickly grabbed my camera to capture the moment. The little…
This Prairie Lizard looks like it is growing a new tail. If you look closely, you can see where the new section is.
This is the same Green Anole I posted a photo of Friday (Green Anole In A Tree). It was on a dead log near the tree it was on before. I got close for this photo. How I Got The Shot – Green Anole On A Dead Log I did the same as before I … Read more
Green Anoles are a common sight on many decks and patios, but there is something special about seeing these lizards blending in seamlessly with the lush…
It was funny seeing this Prairie Lizard with its back legs stretched out soaking up the morning sun. It couldn’t care less that I was around.
The warm weather has stirred up activity among the Green Anoles here in Arkansas. Over the past few days, I’ve spotted a total of five.
Photographed a Prairie Lizard on my deck near the Ouachita National Forest, Arkansas. Camera settings, lizard behavior, and photography tips included.