Bobcat and Deer Encounter at Sequoyah NWR
An encounter between a Bobcat and White-tailed Deer at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge , captured in stunning photos.
An encounter between a Bobcat and White-tailed Deer at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge , captured in stunning photos.
A close-up image of an American bullfrog at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, along with interesting facts about these large predatory frogs.
Check out this photo of a Whitetail Buck that seems to be grinning for the camera at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma!
Witness a curious beaver encounter at sunrise in Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Learn about beavers’ amazing swimming abilities and their search for homes.
One year after my first muskrat sighting, I spotted another one at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge! See the video and learn interesting facts.
Spotted an Eastern River Cooter crossing a road at Sequoyah Wildlife Refuge, leading to a fascinating discovery about the turtle’s name origin.
Witnessing a Belted Kingfisher’s remarkable hunting technique at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, slamming its prey against a branch before swallowing.
An account of spotting a fox squirrel feeding far from trees at a wildlife refuge, analyzing its hypothetical chances of escaping a hawk by sprinting to safety.
A wildlife photographer recounts encountering and photographing a whitetail buck while leaving the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Wildlife photographer Steve Creek recounts spotting and photographing a Barred Owl at sunrise during a morning hike at Torraine Lake in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Experience the captivating encounter between a Whitetail Doe and a curious Rabbit at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Witness the stunning sight of a wet male Indigo Bunting singing joyfully after the rain at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
A wildlife photographer recounts an encounter with an unusually large coyote while on a photo walk at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
I had a delightful experience photographing a male Indigo Bunting while visiting the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
An amusing encounter with a baby striped skunk that charged aggressively while defending itself near a restroom at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.