Another Day With My Favorite Young Buck
A wildlife photographer blogs about photographing a Whitetail Buck at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma from his truck.
A wildlife photographer blogs about photographing a Whitetail Buck at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma from his truck.
Spot two majestic white-tailed bucks in velvet at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, captured as they graze peacefully in a summer soybean field.
A wildlife photographer captures a 6-point whitetail buck with velvet covered antlers standing in the shadows of the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
Wildlife photographer Steve Creek captured photos of a young 6 point buck with velvet covered antlers at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I photographed this Whitetail Buck in velvet at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. It was in an old cornfield that was left standing from the year before. How I Got The Photo: Whitetail Buck In Old Cornfield I was parked on the side of the auto tour road with my camera and lens … Read more
I read that seeing a Whitetail Buck with a third antler is rare. I read that this could be from genetics or an injury. How I Got The Shot: Whitetail Buck With Third Antler Beam This Buck was on the north side of the auto tour road between the 4-corners intersection and the Reeves boat … Read more
This is another Whitetail Buck growing a set of new antlers. I posted a photo of a larger one a few days ago
I am seeing several Whitetail Bucks with new antler growth at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
A wildlife photography blog post about spotting and photographing a sneaky whitetail buck in velvet at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Spotting a large 6 point Whitetail Buck in velvet at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma is always a treat for any wildlife photographer. During…
I’m catching these Whitetail Bucks out at sunrise. They don’t stay out long so I drive to where I think they will be when I first arrive at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. As you can see in my last few posts, I have been correct a few times. How I Got The Shot – Two … Read more
This looks like an older Whitetail Buck compared to the last Buck photos I posted mainly because of how his body looks and not because of his antlers. His antlers will grow all of its points (tines) by the end of this month (June). I would like to see this Buck again this fall because … Read more
June is a marvelous time for photographing the Whitetail Bucks in velvet at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Toward, the end of May and throughout the month of June is when I do well photographing these Bucks. By the end of June the Bucks should have all the primary points on their racks. How I … Read more
I first saw this large 8-point Whitetail Buck in a cornfield at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. The cornfield was overhead high…