Whitetail Fawn In The Weeds
I photographed this Fawn at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. The Doe was close by, and I was able to photograph the Fawn for several minutes.
I photographed this Fawn at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. The Doe was close by, and I was able to photograph the Fawn for several minutes.
A wildlife photography shares the story of encountering an injured Great Blue Heron with a fishing lure stuck in its foot at a wildlife refuge.
I photographed this Baby Coyote at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. I didn’t see the Mom Coyote, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t around.
During a recent visit to the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, I had the fortune of encountering a young coyote surrounded by vibrant wildflowers.
I photographed this Whitetail Buck in velvet at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. It was in an old cornfield that was left standing from the year before. How I Got The Photo: Whitetail Buck In Old Cornfield I was parked on the side of the auto tour road with my camera and lens … Read more
This Vole, sometimes known as Field Mice, was on the side of the road where I was parked. This was at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. How I Got The Shot: Vole Or Field Mice I was parked on the side of the auto tour road photographing a Northern Cardinal when I saw … Read more
I spotted this Turkey Vulture eating a Catfish in a field at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. How I Got The Shot: Turkey Vulture Eating Catfish I was turning around near the Horton Slough hiking trail parking area when I spotted this Turkey Vulture. I was able to position my pickup so that … Read more
The Painted Buntings are numerous at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. They are difficult for me to photograph because they like staying in the thick brush. How I Got The Shot: Painted Bunting This Painted Bunting was sitting in the middle of the road near the Dockery Slough. It flew up in a … Read more
This Whitetail Doe was feeding her Fawn in a field located at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. How I Got The Shot: Doe Feeding Fawn I was driving the auto tour road between Reeves Boat Ramp and the 4 – Corners intersection when I spotted the Doe. The Doe was watching a young … Read more
I was surprised I got close to this Great Blue Heron for a close up portrait. They have been difficult to get close to even in my pickup. How I Got The Shot: Great Blue Heron Close Up Portrait This Great Blue Heron was near the bridge just before starting the auto tour road. This … Read more
This young Bald Eagle was on a dead tree located at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. How I Got The Shot: Young Bald Eagle Close Up I had to park and get out of my pickup to get this shot. I used my pickup as cover and support for my camera and lens. … Read more
This Great Blue Heron was funny to watch. It kept trying to use a log that was floating in the water.
I read that seeing a Whitetail Buck with a third antler is rare. I read that this could be from genetics or an injury. How I Got The Shot: Whitetail Buck With Third Antler Beam This Buck was on the north side of the auto tour road between the 4-corners intersection and the Reeves boat … Read more
I was parked in front of a Mulberry Tree located at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. This Red-tailed Hawk fledgling landed on a branch in front of me.
Wildlife photography is a passion of mine, and I recently had the pleasure of spotting and capturing the elusive Mississippi Mud Turtle on camera.