Indigo Bunting And The Strawberry Moon
Discover the captivating encounter between an Indigo Bunting and the mesmerizing Strawberry Moon in this enchanting tale of nature’s beauty and celestial wonder
Discover the captivating encounter between an Indigo Bunting and the mesmerizing Strawberry Moon in this enchanting tale of nature’s beauty and celestial wonder
Witness the breathtaking wildlife moments at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, as we delve into the fascinating process of Whitetail Doe giving birth.
Learn about the lone gosling, its seed feast, and the mystery of its missing siblings. Explore the possible reasons behind their absence.
Join me on a photographic journey, capturing the beauty of a Whitetail Buck with velvet antlers amidst towering cornfields.
I spotted a skink hanging out of a hole in a dead tree trunk near the road. The first thing I noticed was that the skink was covered in wet sawdust.
I took some awesome photos of a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher perched on a tree full of thorns. It happened at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I was driving slowly along the auto tour road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma when I came across a fascinating sight: a Barred Owl.
Witness the captivating beauty of wildlife as a Prothonotary Warbler indulges in a feast of a small caterpillar.
I noticed a flash of golden feathers darting down towards the road. It was a Prothonotary Warbler in pursuit of its next meal—a Dragonfly.
The Bald Eagle, known for its regal presence and majestic flights, showcased a rather amusing behavior: squatting to poop. As photographers, we strive to…
As I was photographing the coyote, it alerted on something in the tall weeds, and then it jumped up into the air, pouncing on whatever it had seen. It missed!
A Mother’s Unyielding Love: In the face of danger, this brave doe exemplified the true essence of motherhood. Her maternal instinct kicked in, igniting a…
A small dirt clod seemed to be moving, and I couldn’t resist pulling over to investigate. As I got closer, I realized that it was a Three-toed Box Turtle
I spotted one of the Coyotes attempting to drag what appeared to be a dead wild hog carcass off the field. I quickly grabbed my camera and took a few photos.
As I focused my lens on the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, I was amazed to see it catch a butterfly and return to its perch to eat it. I was able to get a photo…