Winter at Sequoyah Refuge: Raptors, Geese & First-Time Sighting

Lesser and Greater Scaup Revealed

Winter wildlife adventure at Sequoyah Refuge: Raptors soaring, snow geese flocking, and a first-time sighting of Lesser and Greater Scaup.

Bald Eagles and Painted Buntings: A Visit to SNWR

Pair Of Mature Bald Eagles Perched High On A Dead Cottonwood Tree Branch

Join me on a wildlife photography adventure at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, where I encounter Bald Eagles, butterflies, and a surprise Painted Bunting!

Mystery Moth Cocoon at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge

Empty Moth Cocoon

Empty moth cocoon at Sequoyah Refuge ignites quest to ID local moths! Discover their amazing transformations & why they’re nature’s tiny heroes.

Capturing the Beauty of a Red-Headed Woodpecker

Red-Headed Woodpecker on a Small Tree

Discover the captivating beauty of the Red-Headed Woodpecker at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma through my photographs and unique insights.

Capturing Arkansas Dragonflies Up Close

Face to Face With Dragonfly

Today, I invite you to join me on a journey to a county road bordering the Ouachita National Forest here in Arkansas, where I encounter Dragonflies up close.