Celebrating 18 Years with Rosie
Celebrating 18 years with my Yorkie, Rosie—my loyal companion on every wildlife photography adventure. Here’s to many more memories!
Celebrating 18 years with my Yorkie, Rosie—my loyal companion on every wildlife photography adventure. Here’s to many more memories!
Winter wildlife adventure at Sequoyah Refuge: Raptors soaring, snow geese flocking, and a first-time sighting of Lesser and Greater Scaup.
Join me on a wildlife photography adventure at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, where I encounter Bald Eagles, butterflies, and a surprise Painted Bunting!
Discover the fascinating world of insects at Black Mesa State Park, from colorful Robber Flies to mysterious beetles.
Empty moth cocoon at Sequoyah Refuge ignites quest to ID local moths! Discover their amazing transformations & why they’re nature’s tiny heroes.
Discover the captivating beauty of the Red-Headed Woodpecker at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma through my photographs and unique insights.
Today, I invite you to join me on a journey to a county road bordering the Ouachita National Forest here in Arkansas, where I encounter Dragonflies up close.