While driving the auto tour route at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge on February 2nd, I spotted an empty moth cocoon clinging to a tree limb. Curiosity piqued, I searched for information on the refuge’s moth species, but came up empty-handed. This sparked a new mission: to photograph more moths at the refuge to help identify the residents and contribute to biodiversity documentation.

Last July, I photographed a cocoon I recognized as belonging to a Bagworm Moth – a nostalgic encounter, bringing back memories from my childhood. Back then, I only saw them on red cedars.

Moth Cocoon Facts:
Here are some fascinating facts about moth cocoons:
- Beyond Silk: While silkworm cocoons are known for their luxurious silk, other moth species employ diverse materials. Look at the Bagworm Moth, crafting a well-camouflaged shelter by incorporating bits of leaves and twigs!
- Masters of Disguise: Many moth cocoons are camouflage champions, seamlessly blending into their surroundings to evade predators. Bird droppings, bark, or even dead leaves – some cocoons become practically invisible to hungry birds.
- Metamorphosis Marvel: Inside the cocoon, the caterpillar undergoes a remarkable transformation. Imagine it dissolving into a soup before reassembling itself as a magnificent adult moth! This incredible process can take weeks or even months.
- Human Uses: Moth cocoons have served humans for centuries. Silkworm cocoons provide us with luxurious silk,while others find use in traditional medicine and even as food in certain cultures.
- Indicators of a Healthy Environment: The presence of moth cocoons is a positive sign, indicating a diverse and thriving insect population. So, the next time you encounter a cocoon, take a moment to appreciate the wondrous transformation happening within!
Note: My Facebook friend, Bill Yox, informed me that this is a Polyphemus Moth cocoon. I wrote about finding another one of these while hiking in the Ouachita National Forest here in Arkansas. Bill Yox at that time, also told me what it was an Empty Polyphemus Moth Cocoon. You can go to that blog post to read about these moths.