Northern Mockingbird Takes on the Green Stink Bug

Northern Mockingbird with a Green Stink Bug

Northern Mockingbird eating a Green Stink Bug shows birds adapting to pests. Learn how birds may help control agricultural damage from stink bugs.

Carolina Grasshopper Laying Eggs Underground

A Grasshopper Laying Eggs Underground

Discover the fascinating reproductive process of the Carolina grasshopper, from egg-laying to hatching, witnessed firsthand in the Ouachita National Forest.

A Surprising Sight: A Pregnant Whitetail Doe in Mid-July

The pregnant doe I spotted on July 14, 2024, at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge

Discover the surprise of spotting a pregnant Whitetail Doe in mid-July at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Learn about the factors behind this rare sighting.

From Hogs to Horned Owls: A Morning Adventure

A Great Horned Owl Clearing Ground On Lift Off

My exciting wildlife adventure at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge! From wild hogs and Whitetail Bucks to a captivating encounter with a Great Horned Owl.

Photographing the Intense Showdown Between a Doe and a Bobcat

Whitetail Doe fiercely charges at a Bobcat in a protective display at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge

Join me on a thrilling morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge where a Doe and Bobcat showdown unfolds.

A Crab Spider Encounter at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge

Crab Spider With A Bug

Explore the fascinating world of crab spiders in Oklahoma through a photographer’s encounter at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.