Unexpected Visitor: An Immature Mockingbird’s Antics
Discover the quirky antics of an immature Northern Mockingbird in a backyard, from unconventional drinking habits to peculiar hunting behavior.
Discover the quirky antics of an immature Northern Mockingbird in a backyard, from unconventional drinking habits to peculiar hunting behavior.
An encounter between territorial Northern Mockingbirds and Eastern Bluebirds on a winter day, and facts about Mockingbird behavior and adaptation to winter.
A wildlife photographer’s blog about the musical Northern Mockingbird, including details on its singing habits and images taken in the photographer’s backyard.
I photographed this Northern Mockingbird On Sage Brush at Antelope Island State Park in Utah.
I photographed this Northern Mockingbird while hiking the trails at the Fort Smith National Historic Site here in Arkansas. I was hand-holding my camera.