Swamp Rabbit or Cottontail? A Curious Visitor in My Garden
Is it a Swamp Rabbit or a Cottontail? A young rabbit in my Arkansas garden has me wondering. See photos and decide for yourself!
Is it a Swamp Rabbit or a Cottontail? A young rabbit in my Arkansas garden has me wondering. See photos and decide for yourself!
Join me on a wildlife photography adventure at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, where I encounter Bald Eagles, butterflies, and a surprise Painted Bunting!
Discover the unusual behavior of a Cottontail Rabbit eating dried mealworms and learn about their natural diet and feeding habits.
Capture a rainy day wildlife session from my deck with woodpeckers, hummingbirds, and a cottontail rabbit, thanks to a new bird feeder setup.
Ever seen a rabbit swimming? Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge is home to the elusive swamp rabbit, a larger, water-loving cousin of the cottontail.
A follow-up on a flowerbed with a resident rabbit! Learn how to keep rabbits out of your garden humanely, with tips on fencing, planting, repellents, and more.
Wildlife photographer Steve Creek documents the common issue of ticks on cottontail rabbits in his Arkansas backyard.
A wildlife photographer captures images of a cottontail rabbit eating a fallen pear in an Arkansas backyard orchard.
Experience a Cottontail Rabbit’s enchanting ash bath, revealing fascinating wildlife behavior.
Explore the charm of Cottontail Rabbits in Arkansas, their habits, habitats, and how to support wildlife conservation in your yard.
As a wildlife photographer, Easter is a special time of year for me. It’s a time when the world around us comes alive with new growth and renewal…
A wildlife photographer documents the growth of a young cottontail rabbit living under their backyard deck in Arkansas.
The Baby Cottontail Rabbit that I have posted about (Baby Cottontail Rabbit) and (Baby Cottontail Rabbit Visiting) has picked up a large tick. I wished it would let me get that tick off. That tick should be dropping off soon, as full as it looks. How I Got The Shot: Cottontail Rabbit With A Tick … Read more
This is the same baby Cottontail Rabbit that I wrote about a few days ago (Baby Cottontail Rabbit). It is still living under my deck…
I was doing yard work when this baby Cottontail Rabbit ran out from under my deck. It got against a pine tree and was difficult to see.