Young Spike Whitetail Buck at Sequoyah Refuge
Wildlife photographer shares photos and information about a young spike Whitetail deer seen at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Wildlife photographer shares photos and information about a young spike Whitetail deer seen at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Witness the breathtaking wildlife moments at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, as we delve into the fascinating process of Whitetail Doe giving birth.
A Mother’s Unyielding Love: In the face of danger, this brave doe exemplified the true essence of motherhood. Her maternal instinct kicked in, igniting a…
A photographer shares the story of his close encounter with a hidden whitetail doe at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
While most people are familiar with deer browsing on vegetation while on all fours, it’s not uncommon to see them standing on their hind legs to reach for food.
I will show you two photos of the same Whitetail Buck, taken two months apart, to showcase just how fast antlers grow. The first photo was taken in May…
I photographed this Whitetail Doe standing in wildflowers at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Today, I want to shed light on the captivating origin behind the name “Buck Moon” for the full moon that graces our skies in July.
I photographed this Whitetail Doe in some lily pads at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. I was in the parking area near the Reeve’s Boat Ramp when I heard this Doe splashing in the lily pads. Over the years, I have photographed Deer crossing this same spot. This is my first for seeing … Read more
I photographed this Whitetail Fawn in tall weeds at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I photographed this Whitetail Fawn at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Check out those ears!
This is the same Fawn I posted a photo of Monday. After I photographed it in the brush, it stepped out onto the roadway with its Mom. How I Got The Photo: Doe And Fawn Standing In Roadway Just like the other Fawn photo, I stood outside my pickup, bracing my camera and lens on … Read more
I photographed this Fawn at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. The Doe was close by, and I was able to photograph the Fawn for several minutes.
I photographed this Whitetail Buck in velvet at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. It was in an old cornfield that was left standing from the year before. How I Got The Photo: Whitetail Buck In Old Cornfield I was parked on the side of the auto tour road with my camera and lens … Read more
This Whitetail Doe was feeding her Fawn in a field located at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. How I Got The Shot: Doe Feeding Fawn I was driving the auto tour road between Reeves Boat Ramp and the 4 – Corners intersection when I spotted the Doe. The Doe was watching a young … Read more