Bobcat and Deer Encounter at Sequoyah NWR

Deer and Bobcat Face Off

An encounter between a Bobcat and White-tailed Deer at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge , captured in stunning photos.

How to Capture Wildlife Behavior for Better Storytelling

Canada Goose Gosling Nestled Under Wing

Master wildlife behavior photography with expert tips on capturing animal actions, interactions, and storytelling moments in stunning detail.

Unconventional Angles in Wildlife Photography

Young Bald Eagle Moving Catfish In A Tree

Discover how unconventional angles can transform your wildlife photography with creative perspectives for more dynamic and engaging shots.

Leading Lines in Wildlife Photography: A Guide to Stunning Shots

Guided by Nature: A White-tailed Doe and Fawn on the Path

Enhance your wildlife photography with leading lines! Learn how to use natural and man-made elements to create stunning compositions.

How to Manage Heat Haze in Wildlife Photography

Heat Haze and the Hunt: A Northern Harrier in Flight

Learn how to reduce heat haze in wildlife photography with positioning, temperature control, and expert tips for clear, sharp images.

Fieldcraft in Wildlife Photography: Photograph Without Disturbing

White-tailed Doe and Fawn by the Water’s Edge

Master fieldcraft in wildlife photography—learn to blend in, move strategically, and capture stunning shots without disturbing nature.

Photographing Wildlife in Extreme Weather Conditions

A Northern Mockingbird in the Rain

Capture stunning wildlife photography in extreme weather with expert tips on gear protection, settings, and creative techniques.

Wildlife Action Photography: Mastering Motion for Stunning Shots

Wildlife Action Photography: A Coyote in Mid-Air Precision

Master wildlife action photography with expert tips on shutter speed, autofocus, burst mode, and anticipating animal behavior.

Low-Light Wildlife Photography Guide

Misty Sentinel: White-tailed Buck in the Fog

Master low-light wildlife photography with expert tips on camera settings, gear, and techniques for stunning dawn and dusk images.