New Year in the Wild
A wildlife photographer reflects on photographing the untamed natural beauty of Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma.
A wildlife photographer reflects on photographing the untamed natural beauty of Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma.
A blog post describing how American White Pelicans catch fish differently below Kerr Dam in Oklahoma compared to a small lake.
Come witness the incredible sight of thousands of snow geese flocking to Oklahoma’s Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge this winter.
A photographer’s perspective on the harm discarded and lost fishing line can cause birds and other animals, with a call to action to properly dispose of line.
A wildlife photographer shares images and reflections on photographing Mourning Doves spotted along the gravel road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
Discover the beauty of love in nature through a heartwarming photo of Barred Owls, showcasing trust, devotion, and lifelong bonds.
Recently, I had the opportunity to photograph a Green Heron, at Minor’s Cove, nestled within the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Spotting the brilliant, golden-yellow Prothonotary Warbler at Oklahoma’s Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge is a highlight for any visitor.
Encountering a bobcat stalking birds at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Details of the bobcat’s hunting skills and solitary nature.
Experience a frosty morning at the Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam in Oklahoma through photos of a Great Blue Heron with frost on its feathers.
I photographed this Orchard Oriole at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. I have gotten glimpses of this bird over the years but this is the first time I could get a good photograph of it. How I Got The Shot – Orchard Oriole I was driving the auto tour road when I spotted … Read more
Witness the captivating territorial display of the Red-winged Blackbird at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Learn the science behind the show.
A first-hand account of witnessing and photographing an American White Pelican fishing and swallowing minnows whole at the Robert S. Kerr Reservoir in Oklahoma.
A wildlife photographer’s experience photographing a green heron at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, including camera settings and techniques.