Why Blue Jays Avoid Feeders in Winter
Find out why Blue Jays avoid feeders in winter, from natural food sources to competition, and how to encourage them back to your yard.
Find out why Blue Jays avoid feeders in winter, from natural food sources to competition, and how to encourage them back to your yard.
Northern Mockingbird displaying fanned tail feathers in detailed photos. Unique behavior captured from my deck, showcasing its territorial flair and elegance.
Eastern Bluebird explores a birdbath and inspects a ceramic bird ornament. A curious and colorful moment captured in my yard.
Northern Mockingbirds battle for control of my birdbath, showcasing unique fall territorial behavior as they prepare for winter.
Observing Mourning Doves in my Arkansas yard as they forage among pine needles and visit the birdbath, bringing a calm and gentle presence every day
Impatient birds! A Northern Flicker and Northern Cardinal couldn’t wait for the birdbath refill after a morning cleaning in my yard.
Photographed a tailless American Robin at my birdbath. Learn about possible causes of feather loss and the bird’s resilience despite an eye injury.
An encounter with a female Northern Flicker at my Arkansas birdbath. Learn about their habits, habitat, and unique traits.
Blue Jays flock to my birdbath during an Arkansas drought. Learn about their behavior, camera settings used, and tips for providing water for birds.
Discover how much water Fox Squirrels need daily, why they seem to drink more at my birdbath, and what factors affect their hydration needs in different seasons.
A Tufted Titmouse and a honey bee share a moment at my birdbath in Arkansas, captured in a single frame. A reminder of nature’s unexpected connections!
A Northern Mockingbird visits my birdbath, showcasing its bold personality. Learn about its behavior and tips to attract them to your yard.
Discover the variety of wildlife visiting my Arkansas birdbath, from Eastern Bluebirds to Fox Squirrels, and learn why a clean birdbath is essential for them all!
Discover the joy of watching a Northern Mockingbird bathe in your birdbath, plus tips on why a clean birdbath is essential for helping birds thrive in your yard!
Discover the quirky antics of an immature Northern Mockingbird in a backyard, from unconventional drinking habits to peculiar hunting behavior.