Greater Roadrunner Encounter at Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge
Learn about the Greater Roadrunner, a fascinating bird found in Oklahoma, after a lucky encounter at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.
Learn about the Greater Roadrunner, a fascinating bird found in Oklahoma, after a lucky encounter at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.
A firsthand account of photographing the brilliant Painted Bunting, one of the most vividly colored birds in North America, at wildlife refuges in Oklahoma.
Learn about the male Red-winged Blackbird with its bold plumage, elaborate displays, and surprising social life. See a photo of the bird in its calling pose!
See a Tufted Titmouse enjoy a refreshing bath and its subsequent attempts to fluff back up! These funny bird photos are sure to bring a smile to your face.
Adorable photos and fascinating facts about Tufted Titmouse fledglings! Learn about their growth, behavior, and how to attract them to your feeders.
Brown Thrashers: Year-round residents in Arkansas! Learn more about these backyard songbirds and their presence throughout the year in the Natural State.
Witness a Northern Mockingbird’s surprising behavior at a suet feeder! Explore theories behind the dunking and learn why some mockingbirds enjoy suet.
Great egret at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge gets a taste of defeat after attempting to swallow a fish too large. Discover what these birds typically eat.
A delightful backyard birding tale of a persistent fledgling House Finch begging to be fed by its attentive parent, showcasing natural avian parenting behavior.
Witness a tender backyard moment as a male Northern Cardinal feeds his mate, revealing the reasons behind this nurturing courtship ritual.
I share an encounter with a Blue Jay fledgling in my yard, offering insights into their development and the joy of observing these young birds.
Learn about White-crowned Sparrows visiting feeders in Arkansas! See photos, discover surprising facts about their migration, songs, and loyalty.
A surprise visit from a Rose-breasted Grosbeak led to amazing photos and a chance to learn about this beautiful Arkansas spring migrant!
Observe the lively Northern Cardinals that make their home in Arkansas, from their nesting habits to their status as a state symbol.
Catch a glimpse of a majestic Great Blue Heron about to take flight at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.