Bald Eagles and Painted Buntings: A Visit to SNWR

Pair Of Mature Bald Eagles Perched High On A Dead Cottonwood Tree Branch

Join me on a wildlife photography adventure at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, where I encounter Bald Eagles, butterflies, and a surprise Painted Bunting!

Monarch Butterfly Migration: A Magical Moment in My Arkansas Yard

Monarch Butterfly On A Flower Close-up

Witness the monarch butterfly’s incredible migration through Arkansas, and learn about their journey, life cycle, and conservation efforts in this wildlife photography story.

Carolina Grasshopper Laying Eggs Underground

A Grasshopper Laying Eggs Underground

Discover the fascinating reproductive process of the Carolina grasshopper, from egg-laying to hatching, witnessed firsthand in the Ouachita National Forest.

The Mystery of the Mayfly Mound: A Fascinating Natural Phenomenon

Large Pile Of Dead Mayflies

Discover the fascinating reasons behind massive mayfly die-offs and their ecological significance in this exploration of a curious natural phenomenon.

The Fascinating World of Cicada Mating

Cicadas Mating

Explore the intricate world of cicada mating, from their deafening songs to brief adult lives. Discover nature’s symphony happening in your own backyard.

Question Mark Butterfly at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge

Question Mark Butterfly In Oklahoma

Discover the fascinating world of the Question Mark Butterfly, from its unique markings to its unusual diet and behavior.