Nap-Loving Wilson’s Snipe
Close-up photo of a Wilson’s Snipe trying to sleep with its beak tucked in its feathers near a road where cars occasionally drive by.
Close-up photo of a Wilson’s Snipe trying to sleep with its beak tucked in its feathers near a road where cars occasionally drive by.
A wildlife photographer recounts spotting and photographing a Killdeer, an elegant yet hardy member of the plover family, while visiting a Wildlife Refuge.
A wildlife photographer captures the moment an American White Pelican throws its head back and opening its pouch-like beak wide.
A wildlife photographer describes a serendipitous bird photography experience, spotting and photographing elusive Wilson’s Snipes at close range from his truck.
Great Blue Heron fishing technique: diving headfirst from a platform to catch fish. Learn more about this bird’s impressive adaptability.
Wildlife photographer captures a portrait of a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge using a Canon EOS R5 camera and 800mm lens.
Learn all about the unique lobed feet of the American Coot waterbird. Discover how these feet help the bird swim, walk, attract mates, and defend its territory.
Great Blue Heron with a fresh catch at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Post-hunting season means better photo opportunities.
Discover the beauty of Great Blue Herons with fun facts, photography tips, and why protecting their wetland habitats matters.