Swamp Rabbit or Cottontail? A Curious Visitor in My Garden
Is it a Swamp Rabbit or a Cottontail? A young rabbit in my Arkansas garden has me wondering. See photos and decide for yourself!
Is it a Swamp Rabbit or a Cottontail? A young rabbit in my Arkansas garden has me wondering. See photos and decide for yourself!
Wildlife greeted me at my Wichita Mountains campsite: a cottontail, lizard on a tree trunk, white-tailed doe, and a Texas Longhorn from my truck.
Discover the unusual behavior of a Cottontail Rabbit eating dried mealworms and learn about their natural diet and feeding habits.
Capture a rainy day wildlife session from my deck with woodpeckers, hummingbirds, and a cottontail rabbit, thanks to a new bird feeder setup.
Ever seen a rabbit swimming? Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge is home to the elusive swamp rabbit, a larger, water-loving cousin of the cottontail.
A follow-up on a flowerbed with a resident rabbit! Learn how to keep rabbits out of your garden humanely, with tips on fencing, planting, repellents, and more.
This afternoon, I wanted to share an image from another tick encounter I captured some months ago – this time with a fox squirrel.
Wildlife photographer Steve Creek documents the common issue of ticks on cottontail rabbits in his Arkansas backyard.
A wildlife photographer captures images of a cottontail rabbit eating a fallen pear in an Arkansas backyard orchard.
Experience a Cottontail Rabbit’s enchanting ash bath, revealing fascinating wildlife behavior.
As a wildlife photographer, Easter is a special time of year for me. It’s a time when the world around us comes alive with new growth and renewal…
A wildlife photographer documents the growth of a young cottontail rabbit living under their backyard deck in Arkansas.
I was doing yard work when this baby Cottontail Rabbit ran out from under my deck. It got against a pine tree and was difficult to see.
Photographed a Cottontail Rabbit foraging at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge before the 2019 flood. Learn about rabbit behavior and photography tips.