Nose-to-Nose Interaction Between Two Whitetail Bucks

Nose-to-Nose Interaction Between Two Whitetail Bucks

A wildlife photographer captures a rare nose-to-nose moment between two Whitetail Bucks in an Oklahoma field. Explore theories on this intimate behavior.

Photographing the Pre-Rut and Rut at Sequoyah Refuge

Whitetail Buck Near A Very Large Cottonwood Tree

Explore wildlife photography tips for capturing white-tailed bucks during the rut at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, including vehicle-based techniques.

Velvet Antlers on Oklahoma White-tailed Bucks

Young Whitetail Buck With Velvet Peeling

A wildlife photographer describes observing white-tailed bucks in different stages of shedding their velvet antlers at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.