Why a Red-bellied Woodpecker is Enlarging a Hole in My Pine Tree
Discover why Red-bellied Woodpeckers enlarge tree holes in fall, from caching food to preparing roosts, and how they get ready for winter in Arkansas.
Discover why Red-bellied Woodpeckers enlarge tree holes in fall, from caching food to preparing roosts, and how they get ready for winter in Arkansas.
A Downy Woodpecker visit led to an unexpected encounter with a Trumpet Vine Sphinx Moth and a Carolina Chickadee, revealing nature’s surprising connections.
House Sparrows are common, but are they welcome? Dive into the reasons why some birders consider these little brown birds to be menaces at the feeder.
Witnessing a Red-shouldered Hawk gathering nesting materials in Oklahoma, providing insights into their nest-building habits and behaviors.
Learn why birdhouses are essential for Eastern Bluebirds during winter in Arkansas and get tips on preparing birdhouses to attract these birds to your backyard.
An account of observing Bonaparte’s Gulls catching fish along an Oklahoma river, and a discussion of their opportunistic and flexible feeding habits.
A whimsical blog post about witnessing a Dark-eyed Junco making a snowball, sparking imaginative stories about the plucky bird seeking snowball revenge.
Learn interesting details about White-throated Sparrow winter feeding habits, adaptations for cold weather survival, flocking behavior and seed preferences.
A wildlife photographer shares how he takes pictures of White-crowned Sparrows and other small birds by waiting patiently at his favorite wildlife refuge.
A nature photography blog post describing and showing images of a Northern Shoveler duck feeding on duckweed at an Oklahoma wildlife refuge.
A wildlife photographer describes spotting and photographing three juvenile White Ibis at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Great Blue Heron with a fresh catch at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Post-hunting season means better photo opportunities.
A wildlife photographer recounts spotting and photographing a striking male Hooded Merganser duck while it briefly visited a small pond in Arkansas one winter.
A wildlife photography blog post about spotting and photographing a young Chipping Sparrow fledgling in my backyard in Arkansas.