A Curious Encounter with a Downy Woodpecker: A Surprise Behavior
Unexpectedly, a Downy Woodpecker in my Arkansas yard appeared to cache a seed, a rare behavior for the species. Discover possible reasons behind this unusual act.
Unexpectedly, a Downy Woodpecker in my Arkansas yard appeared to cache a seed, a rare behavior for the species. Discover possible reasons behind this unusual act.
Spotting an immature female Summer Tanager in my Arkansas yard was a delight. Discover their appearance, behavior, and migration in this quick guide.
Discover the intriguing behavior of Eastern Bluebirds in my backyard as they feed spider egg sacs to their young.
The joys and challenges of photographing the Indigo Bunting at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, along with interesting facts about this songbird.
Photographing the Eastern Bluebirds feeding chicks, an American Robin building her nest, a Red-bellied Woodpecker at the feeder, and a Common Grackle.
Explore backyard bird photography on a rainy day in Arkansas, capturing Downy Woodpeckers, molting Cardinals, and rare Red-headed Woodpeckers.
Witnessed an American Robin throwing up seeds? Don’t be alarmed! Learn about this fascinating adaptation and how robins efficiently process fruit.
Eastern Bluebirds building their third nest this year during the rare Strawberry Moon coinciding with the summer solstice! Learn about the moon illusion.
Learn how to attract ruby-throated hummingbirds to your garden with Meadow Sage. This blog post includes photos and interesting facts about these birds.
Learn about the Greater Roadrunner, a fascinating bird found in Oklahoma, after a lucky encounter at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.
A firsthand account of photographing the brilliant Painted Bunting, one of the most vividly colored birds in North America, at wildlife refuges in Oklahoma.
Learn about the male Red-winged Blackbird with its bold plumage, elaborate displays, and surprising social life. See a photo of the bird in its calling pose!
See a Tufted Titmouse enjoy a refreshing bath and its subsequent attempts to fluff back up! These funny bird photos are sure to bring a smile to your face.
Adorable photos and fascinating facts about Tufted Titmouse fledglings! Learn about their growth, behavior, and how to attract them to your feeders.
Brown Thrashers: Year-round residents in Arkansas! Learn more about these backyard songbirds and their presence throughout the year in the Natural State.