Mystery Moth Cocoon at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Empty moth cocoon at Sequoyah Refuge ignites quest to ID local moths! Discover their amazing transformations & why they’re nature’s tiny heroes.
Moths: Nocturnal navigators and diverse pollinators. Capture their intricate wing patterns and varied shapes. Photograph their delicate antennae and cryptic coloration. Explore their habitats, from forests to gardens. Learn about their life cycles, their role as food sources, and their vital contribution to pollination, often overlooked compared to butterflies.
Empty moth cocoon at Sequoyah Refuge ignites quest to ID local moths! Discover their amazing transformations & why they’re nature’s tiny heroes.
Wildlife photographer Steve Creek describes his exciting encounter with a Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar while hiking in the Ouachita National Forest.
Explore the world of the Tobacco Hornworm and its transformation into the Carolina Sphinx Moth. Discover the wonders of wildlife photography in Arkansas.