Bobcat and Deer Encounter at Sequoyah NWR
An encounter between a Bobcat and White-tailed Deer at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge , captured in stunning photos.
An encounter between a Bobcat and White-tailed Deer at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge , captured in stunning photos.
A wildlife photography trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yielded no keepers, but the pursuit and lessons on light, timing, and patience were worthwhile.
Join me at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge as I share the thrilling encounter of a Coyote on the move. Discover tips and capture the wild with me!
Witness a Bobcat chasing a Coyote at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Discover the reasons behind this rare encounter and learn more about their behaviors.
Read my exciting account of photographing a bobcat in a harvested corn field at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Wildlife photographer shares their passion for protecting the natural world and inspiring others to take action.
This Bobcat was hunting the edge of a field at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. After a while it took a brief break.
Encountering a bobcat stalking birds at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Details of the bobcat’s hunting skills and solitary nature.