Dark-eyed Juncos: A Farewell to Arkansas’ Snowbirds
Dark-eyed Juncos leave Arkansas as spring arrives. A final look at these winter visitors before they migrate north.
Dark-eyed Juncos leave Arkansas as spring arrives. A final look at these winter visitors before they migrate north.
Sandhill Crane Sighting at Sequoyah NWR! Discover this rare encounter, migration insights, and its interaction with Snow Geese.
Witness the breathtaking sunrise flight of Snow Geese at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, a vital stopover on their migration along the Arkansas River.
Photographed a Nashville Warbler at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Learn about its appearance, behavior, migration, and more in this birding encounter!
New bird sightings at Black Mesa: Scaled Quail, Canyon Towhee, Lark Buntings, and the challenging but rewarding Common Nighthawk in flight.
Learn about White-crowned Sparrows visiting feeders in Arkansas! See photos, discover surprising facts about their migration, songs, and loyalty.
A wildlife photographer observes delayed migration of Snow Geese this season and discusses possible influencing factors like weather and avian influenza.
Experience a majestic scene as an American White Pelican spreads its immense wings during a graceful landing on Oklahoma’s Sally Jones Lake.
A wildlife photographer was thrilled to spot Scissor-tailed Flycatchers at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma in late September and October.
A wildlife photographer’s blog post about witnessing and photographing huge flocks of blackbirds at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in November.
Photographed a singing Dickcissel at Sequoyah NWR in May. Fewer birds this year, but hopeful for their return. Learn about their habits, nesting, and migration.