This Whitetail Fawn bedded near the road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. A Doe was with the Fawn but she was in a location difficult to photograph.

Whitetail deer are a common sight at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, but spotting a bedded fawn is a much rarer treat. Fawns are born in the spring and are so small and vulnerable that they must hide from predators for the first few months of their lives. When a fawn beds down for a rest, it does so in a location that provides cover and security.
The sight of a bedded fawn is a heartwarming and awe-inspiring moment for any photographer or wildlife enthusiast. They are small, delicate creatures with spotted coats and big eyes, and they have a peaceful and gentle demeanor. Fawns have the ability to remain motionless for hours, which is an important survival mechanism in their first few months. By staying still and blending into their surroundings, they can avoid being detected by predators.
When observing a bedded fawn, it is important to remember that they are wild animals and should not be approached or disturbed. Photographing them from a distance, with a long lens, is the best way to enjoy this beautiful creature. If you are lucky enough to come across a bedded fawn, be sure to respect their space and give them the peace and quiet they need to rest and grow.
In conclusion, bedded whitetail fawns are a rare and beautiful sight in the wild. They provide us with a glimpse into the delicate and peaceful life of a young deer, and serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving our wildlife habitats for generations to come. So, the next time you are out exploring the great outdoors, keep your eyes peeled for a bedded fawn – you just might be in for a treat!
Gear Used:
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II
- Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS II USM
The wind was blowing a branch in front of the Fawn and I had to time the shot to keep the branch out of the photo. The light was also poor, so I was shooting at a very low shutter speed but I had my camera on a beanbag so I thought I could get by with it.
I had my camera resting on a bean bag draped over the open window of my pickup.
- Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge (Oklahoma)
- Date & Time Taken: August 24, 2018 (08:26:26 A.M.)
- Aperture Priority
- Aperture: f5.6
- Shutter speed: 1/200 sec. (as determined by the camera)
- ISO: 2500
- White Balance – Auto
- Metering Mode: Evaluative
- Exposure Compensation: 0 EV
- Back-button Focus
- Single Point Focus
- Focal Length: 400 mm
- Processed With Luminar 4