Yesterday, I shared the magical encounter I had with twin white-tailed fawns and their mother near the Ouachita National Forest in a post titled Twin Fawns Near Ouachita National Forest. Today, I wanted to shift focus to the doe herself and highlight an intriguing behavior I observed while watching her move through the forest.
As I followed the doe and her fawns through the trees, I noticed she kept pausing to look up into the branches above her. Naturally, I glanced up too, expecting to spot something that might have spooked her, but all I saw were birds fluttering among the leaves. Her body language wasn’t alarmed—her posture was relaxed, and her ears were perked up as if she was just curious about the commotion happening above. It was a moment of pure observation, not fear.
I managed to capture a photo of the doe craning her neck upwards, completely focused on something in the trees. Her calm yet attentive demeanor suggested that she wasn’t on alert for danger. Instead, she seemed genuinely fascinated by the birds overhead, a behavior that surprised me as it went beyond the typical watchful vigilance you might expect from a deer.

A Moment of Curiosity
This brief pause to watch the birds fluttering among the trees might seem small, but to me, it was a fascinating window into the doe’s world. It wasn’t a moment of survival instinct, like scanning for predators. Instead, it felt like a moment of curiosity, as if the doe was simply intrigued by the birds’ movements, much like we might be if we stopped to watch them ourselves.
As a wildlife photographer, I’m always looking for those moments that reveal an animal’s deeper behaviors and personality. What struck me about this scene was the doe’s peaceful observation, something you might not expect from an animal that’s often seen as purely reactive to its environment. This doe showed an awareness and inquisitiveness that I found captivating, offering a glimpse into just how much these animals take in as they navigate their surroundings.
Nature’s Lessons in Patience and Observation
Photographing wildlife is not just about snapping a photo; it’s about stepping into their world, observing their interactions, and learning from their behaviors. This doe, pausing to watch the birds in the trees, reminded me of the importance of taking the time to be still and observe the natural world around us. It’s a lesson in patience—there’s always something new to discover when we slow down and pay attention.
Every day in the wild is different. Sometimes we witness grand, dramatic moments, and sometimes it’s these quieter, more reflective experiences that leave a lasting impression. Moments like this, when a doe watches birds, are a reminder that there is so much going on in nature beyond our initial perception. All we have to do is take the time to notice.
Until next time,
Steve Creek, Wildlife Photographer