The Great Blue Heron’s Morning Routine

While photographing at Charleston Lake, Arkansas, I captured an unusual yet fascinating moment: a Great Blue Heron relieving itself on top of the dam. This behavior, while ordinary for the heron, highlights an interesting aspect of their biology and habits.

Great Blue Heron Caught In The Act
A Great Blue Heron relieves itself atop the dam at Charleston Lake, Arkansas

Behavior Insight: Why Great Blue Herons Avoid Pooping in Water

My friend Mia McPherson shared an important observation about Great Blue Herons. These birds typically avoid defecating in water. Instead, they prefer land or flight for this activity. This instinctive behavior benefits the heron in several ways:

  • Maintaining Clean Hunting Grounds: By avoiding defecation in water, herons keep their feeding areas free from waste. This reduces the chance of contaminating their food sources.
  • Minimizing Predator Attention: Waste in the water could attract predators or competitors. Herons avoid this risk by choosing safer spots to relieve themselves.
  • Preserving the Ecosystem: This habit supports a healthier environment around their hunting zones, indirectly benefiting other aquatic life.

This moment reinforced how even simple actions in the animal kingdom are often rooted in survival strategies.

Technical Details of the Shot

Date: February 9, 2023
Time: 9:35 AM
Camera: Canon EOS R7
Lens: Canon RF 800 mm F11
ISO: 1000
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: 1/1250
Exposure Compensation: -0.3

The settings were chosen to ensure sharp detail at a distance while freezing movement effectively. The overcast light provided balanced exposure, highlighting the heron’s feathers and the dam’s surface texture.

Observational Note

Wildlife photography often brings unexpected moments that shed light on behaviors many might overlook. Capturing these details reminds us how much there is to learn about the natural world. It’s a chance to reflect on how these behaviors support survival, even in common species like the Great Blue Heron.

Have you seen a Great Blue Heron defecating in water? Let me know in the comments—your observations could add to understanding this unique behavior.

Note: This is the same Blue Heron I have made several blog post on: Great Blue Heron Lifting Off, Great Blue Heron Taking Off and Flying Great Blue Heron With Shad