A Close Encounter with a Plump Raccoon

On a recent visit to the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, I captured a memorable photo of a large raccoon perched on a tree at the west end of the Sally Jones Causeway.

A Portly Raccoon
A Portly Raccoon at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.

The Raccoon’s Pose

The raccoon was initially at the base of a tree that extended into the water. It seemed ready to enter the water, but several limbs blocked my view, making a good shot impossible. Then, unexpectedly, the raccoon climbed back up the trunk and paused in a perfect pose. I snapped several photos before it climbed down and swam away.

Raccoons and Their Environment

Raccoons are skilled climbers, known for their agility and dexterity. This one was particularly large, likely benefiting from abundant food in the area. Adult raccoons typically weigh between 10–30 pounds, but in food-rich environments, they can grow larger.

For reference:

Capturing the Moment

I photographed this raccoon using a Fujifilm X-T3 camera paired with a Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens via a Fringer EF-FX Pro adapter. The setup rested on a bean bag draped over my truck window. This stable configuration let me get crisp images of the raccoon in its natural habitat.

Plump Raccoon Perched In A Tree
Plump Raccoon Perched In A Tree at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.

Exploring Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge

Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge is a fantastic destination for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers. Encounters like this highlight the diversity and beauty of its environment. If you’re passionate about observing animals up close, this refuge offers endless opportunities.

Raccoons like this one remind us of the richness of the wildlife in places like Sequoyah. Their adaptability and curious nature make them fascinating subjects for photography.

4 thoughts on “A Close Encounter with a Plump Raccoon”

  1. Really like this shot of this cinnamon raccoon. Your wildlife photos are stunning. Keep’em coming! Thanks for the FB add.

  2. What a great shot, I love the light shining through his toenails (claws?) The ear and the size of the nail show it to be an older animal. Looks like he has a sore on his nose, must be a fighter.
    Thanks for sharing with your fans!

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