Great Horned Owl Found at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge

Many early mornings have been spent cruising the auto tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, hoping to catch a glimpse of the magnificent Great Horned Owl. These powerful raptors are known residents, but sightings aren’t guaranteed, especially since they tend to blend in and stay hidden during daylight hours.

This past March 16th, 2024, however, proved fruitful! Thanks to a recent Facebook post showing a Great Horned Owl spotted at the refuge, I knew where to focus my efforts. Having photographed one in that same area a few years back, I had a good idea of its usual haunts.

The first drive through yielded no results, but persistence paid off. Later that morning, on the return trip, I spotted the owl perched on the backside of a large tree. Unfortunately, it was cleverly concealed amidst a tangled mess of vines and branches, making for a less-than-ideal photo opportunity.

Great Horned Owl Amidst a Tangled Mess of Vines and Branches
Great Horned Owl Amidst a Tangled Mess of Vines and Branches

Nevertheless, I managed to park and get a picture from the comfort of my truck. While a more open perch would have been ideal, the excitement of finally seeing and photographing this elusive owl far outweighed any disappointment.

Interestingly, this very same tree was the scene of a fascinating encounter back in March 2021. In a previous blog post (Great Horned Owl With A Pied-billed Grebe), I recounted witnessing a Great Horned Owl with what appeared to be the head of a Pied-billed Grebe!

The Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge continues to surprise and amaze with its resident wildlife. While the Great Horned Owl may not have offered the most picturesque pose this time, the thrill of the chase and the final sighting make it an experience I won’t soon forget.