On the morning of December 31, 2013, I photographed a Great Blue Heron at Charleston Lake in Charleston, Arkansas. The heron was perched calmly on a metal dock, framed against the soft blues of the water and sky. It seemed to be watching the sunrise—a peaceful and graceful way to close out the year.

I captured this moment from my truck, parked nearby in the lot. Using a vehicle as a blind often lets you get closer to wildlife without disturbing them. This heron paid no attention to me, allowing for an uninterrupted view.
Gear & Settings
For this photo, I used:
- Camera: Canon EOS 1D Mark III
- Lens: Canon EF 500 mm f/4L IS
The technical details were:
- Location: City Lake, Charleston (Arkansas)
- Date & Time Taken: December 31, 2013 (09:34 A.M.)
- Aperture: f8.0
- Shutter speed: 1/1600 sec. (as determined by the camera)
- ISO: 320
- Exposure Compensation: 0
- Focal Length: 500 mm
The soft, even lighting emphasized the heron’s feather textures. Shooting at f/8.0 balanced depth of field and background blur, while the fast shutter speed froze any subtle movements. These settings highlighted the bird’s details against a serene backdrop.
Reflections on the Moment
Great Blue Herons are iconic for their striking silhouettes and patient hunting habits. Witnessing this one in a quiet, reflective pose highlighted the understated beauty of nature.
Charleston Lake, though small and modest, often surprises me with moments like this. It’s proof that incredible wildlife encounters don’t always require distant travel—sometimes, it’s about paying attention to the ordinary places nearby.