It was a beautiful September day as I drove along the auto tour road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. As I approached the Lower Scarborough area north of Miner’s Cove, a Great Blue Heron caught my eye standing near a small pool of water. I quickly pulled over and readied my camera, eager to capture some shots of this majestic bird.

The heron stood motionless, intensely focused on the water. After some time without any action, it was clear there wasn’t much prey in the small pool. The heron stepped out of the water and into the tall grass nearby. I could tell it was now hunting for insects and other small prey hidden in the vegetation. It stabbed forcefully at the vegetation, likely trying to catch grasshoppers and other bugs. But it didn’t seem to be having much success finding a meal there either.

After several unsuccessful attempts, the heron took off and flew away over the refuge. While I didn’t capture any predation events, it was still wonderful to observe this bird in its natural habitat along the wetlands of Sequoyah. The wildlife sightings make any drive on the auto tour road a treat. I can’t wait to return and see what other scenes unfold!
Steve Creek, Wildlife Photographer
Image Information:
- Date: 9/15/2023
- Time: 8:56 AM
- Camera: Canon EOS R7
- Lens: Canon RF 800
- ISO: 2000
- Aperture: 5.6
- Shutter: 1/3200
- Exp. Comp.: -0.3
- Program: Manual
Note: While their primary diet consists of fish, they are known to consume a variety of other creatures, including insects, when needed. These adaptable birds will feed on insects, frogs, salamanders, turtles, snakes, and even small birds whenever the opportunity arises.