Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been sharing the journey of a pair of Tufted Titmice that nested in my backyard birdhouse. It’s been incredible watching them build a nest, lay eggs, fend off competitors, and raise a brood of chicks – all through the lens of my camera.
In my post “Tufted Titmouse’s Triumph Over House Sparrows,” I wrote about how the tenacious titmouse pair refused to back down when a few bullying house sparrows tried to take over their nest box. A few days later in “Tufted Titmouse Brings Food For Their Young,” I was excited to document the parents bringing tasty morsels back to their hungry chicks.
One especially memorable post was “Titmouse Baby Struggles to Swallow Large Meal,” where I captured photos of a parent trying unsuccessfully to feed a large moth tail to one of the chicks. The series continued with regular “Tufted Titmouse Nesting Update” posts tracking the growth and development of the babies.

This morning I arose early to check on the titmouse family, now with feathered nestlings nearing the fledging stage as described in my latest post “Nesting Tufted Titmouse Update: Baby Birds.” The chicks were still snug in their nest when I first peered into the birdhouse. But shortly thereafter, a heavy rainstorm passed through.
When the clouds cleared, I rushed back to the birdhouse hoping to see how the little family weathered the storm. To my surprise, the nest sat empty – the Titmouse chicks had fledged at last! Though I will miss my daily doses of Tufted Titmouse antics, I feel privileged to have witnessed their complete nesting journey through my backyard birdhouse. I wish the little family well as they venture forth into the big world beyond my yard!
Steve Creek
Wildlife Photographer
Equipment Used:
- Camera: Canon EOS R5
- Lens: Canon RF 100-500 mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM
Technical Details: First Photo
- Location: Lavaca (Arkansas)
- Date and Time Taken: July 20, 2023 (08:38 A. M.)
- Aperture: f8
- Shutter speed: 1/800
- ISO: 3200 (Auto)
- Exp. Comp.: +0.3
- Focal Length: 500 mm
I agree what a wonderful experience to watch the family grow and survive
What a wonderful experience.