Eastern Bluebird Chicks Hatch! Parents Work Overtime

We’re taking a brief detour from the stunning wildlife of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge to return to the captivating story unfolding right in my own backyard – the Eastern bluebird saga! You might remember the last update, aptly titled “Eastern Bluebird Comeback! Male Feeds New Mate Incubating Eggs“.

Eastern Bluebird Flying to Birdhouse With A Spider
Eastern Bluebird Flying to Birdhouse With A Spider

Welcome Hatchlings!

While I was away exploring the wonders of the refuge last week, some exciting developments occurred in my backyard. The much-anticipated arrival of the bluebird chicks has finally taken place!

Male Eastern Bluebird With A Pair Of Wasp
A Male Eastern Bluebird With A Pair Of Wasp To Feed His Young

Double Duty for Dedicated Parents

Both parents are now working tirelessly to keep their hungry brood well-fed. The photos I captured showcase this dedication in action – the parents diligently bringing food to the nest box. While I can’t determine the exact number of chicks just yet, I’m sure their little heads will be popping out soon enough for an official count!

Female Eastern Bluebird With Unknown Insect
Female Eastern Bluebird With Unknown Insect To Feed Her Young

The Anticipation Builds

Watching these devoted parents nurture their young is a truly heartwarming experience. Seeing the chicks emerge from the nest box will be another milestone in this captivating story.

A Male Eastern Bluebird With Feathers Out Of Place
A Male Eastern Bluebird With Feathers Out Of Place While Bringing Food For Young

Stay tuned for further updates!

I’ll be keeping a close eye on the bluebird family and share their progress as the chicks grow and prepare for their first flight. In the meantime, feel free to share your excitement for these feathered friends in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Eastern Bluebird Chicks Hatch! Parents Work Overtime”

  1. Just in time for Father’s Day on Sunday!💜 (Although,our hardworking dad is looking a little disheveled.) Excited for the next installment.

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