Majestic Survivor – The 9-Point Whitetail Buck

A Close Encounter with a 9-Point Whitetail Buck Crossing The Road

A wildlife photographer shares a close-up look at a mature 9-point Whitetail Buck and hopes the buck survives the final days of hunting season.

Photographing a Swollen-Necked 8-point White-tailed Buck

8-point White-tailed Buck On Side Of The Auto Tour Road

Wildlife photographer Steve Creek recalls photographing an impressive swollen-necked 8-point White-tailed Buck during the fall rut in Oklahoma.

A Photographer’s Mystery Solved: The Buck’s Alarm Revealed

Coyote Looking The Direction It Was Headed

In part two of this blog post, the photographer details a close encounter with a coyote and white-tailed deer buck at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.

Photographing the Pre-Rut and Rut at Sequoyah Refuge

Whitetail Buck Near A Very Large Cottonwood Tree

Explore wildlife photography tips for capturing white-tailed bucks during the rut at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, including vehicle-based techniques.