Cardinal and Goldfinch: Winter Neighbors

Backyard Harmony: Northern Cardinal and Goldfinch

A stunning photo of a Northern Cardinal and Goldfinch sharing a vine in winter highlights the beauty and resilience of backyard birds.

Mourning Dove Winter Resilience: Quiet Strength in Arkansas

A Mourning Dove’s Winter Walk

Discover the Mourning Dove’s winter resilience in Arkansas—thriving in 20 mph winds and cold, a lesson in quiet survival.

Winter Survival Adaptations: How Birds and Fox Squirrels Thrive

Female Northern Cardinal on Alert

Learn how birds and fox squirrels use winter survival adaptations and discover simple ways to support wildlife during cold weather.

Great Blue Herons: A Morning at Charleston Lake

Great Blue Heron in Flight Over The Frozen Landscape

Experience Great Blue Herons at Charleston Lake. Witness their graceful flights and dynamic behavior in stunning golden sunrise light..