On day 7 of my stay at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, I didn’t end up keeping many photos. Not because I didn’t see any wildlife—I saw plenty—it was more about the light not being quite right, or I couldn’t find a composition I liked. Sometimes, days like that happen. But any time spent outdoors is a win, and if I do get a photo I love, it’s just a bonus.
Since I didn’t capture many keepers on September 14 (Day 7), I’ll also share highlights from Day 8 (September 15) in this post.
Bull Elk on Day 7
I hope you’re not getting tired of seeing elk photos, because the first one I’m sharing from Day 7 is of a beautiful bull elk. I spotted two cow elk, each with a calf, walking through a field. I was on the passenger side of my truck, so I figured I had time to drive ahead and turn around, allowing me to shoot from the driver’s side with my long lens (800mm) resting on a bean bag. I like having that steady rest for better shots.
As I was getting into position, I noticed the elk cows and calves darting across the road into the trees, chased by a bull elk! It was a scramble, but I still had to shoot across my truck’s cab. Luckily, the bull paused and looked my way before heading off, allowing me to capture the shot you’ll see below.

White-tailed Doe and Fawn
A few miles down the road, I came across a white-tailed doe and her fawn near the roadside. I couldn’t resist getting a close-up of the fawn, one of the few photos I kept from the day.

Crow and Buck on Day 8
Day 8 started with a sighting of an American crow perched high in a tree, cawing loudly. I rarely pass up a chance to photograph crows, as it’s been tough getting shots I like of them. Usually, they’re hard to get close to, but this one gave me a great opportunity. I finally got a photo I’m happy with.

Later, I spotted a young white-tailed buck that I’ve seen a few times before. He seems to be sticking with the same doe and fawn I mentioned earlier. My guess is that this doe is his mom from last year.

Campground Wildlife and a Water Snake Encounter
After a morning of driving through the refuge, I returned to camp for lunch and a nap. In the afternoon, an old white-tailed doe strolled by my campsite. She looked quite used to the campground, so I grabbed a quick shot of her with her tongue out—one of those quirky moments you just have to capture.

Instead of heading back out in my truck, I decided to hike the trails around the Doris Campground with my camera. One of the trails has a walking bridge that crosses a body of water. While on the bridge, I spotted a water snake hunting in a grass bed below. I spent a while photographing it, hoping to capture it in action, but it never caught anything. Still, I got a photo I liked of it swimming beneath the bridge. I shared that photo on Facebook a few days ago, and it got a great response.

Wrapping Up Days 7 and 8
Although Day 7 didn’t yield as many photos as I’d hoped, both days were still fantastic. Spending time with wildlife, even without perfect shots, always feels worthwhile. I’ll be sharing the excitement of Day 9 soon, so stay tuned!