The Three-toed Box Turtle: A Slow-Moving Treasure

The warm weather we have been having here in Eastern Oklahoma and Western Arkansas has the turtles moving. I spotted this Three-toed Box Turtle crossing the auto tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. I got out of my pickup and sat on the edge of the road while hand-holding my camera and lens to get this photo.

A Three-toed Box Turtle Slowly Crosses The Road
A Three-toed Box Turtle Slowly Crosses The Road

The Three-toed Box Turtle is a small, slow-moving turtle that is native to the south-central United States. It is named for the three toes on each of its hind feet. The Three-toed Box Turtle is a shy and retiring animal, and it is often difficult to see in the wild.

The Three-toed Box Turtle is an omnivore, and it eats a variety of plants and animals, including insects, worms, fruits, and vegetables. It is an important part of the ecosystem, and it helps to control populations of insects and other pests.

The Three-toed Box Turtle is a protected species, and it is illegal to harm or collect them in the wild. If you see a Three-toed Box Turtle, please admire it from a distance and let it go on its way.

Facts About The Three-toed Box Turtle:

  • They can live for up to 100 years!
  • They are the only turtles that can close their shells completely.
  • They are known to be very good at finding their way home.

If you are lucky enough to see a Three-toed Box Turtle in the wild, please be respectful and let it go on its way. These slow-moving turtles are a treasure, and they deserve our protection.