February might have been unseasonably warm here in Arkansas, but the birds are still super active in my yard. I’m sharing two images I took of an Eastern Bluebird getting a drink from my birdbath. Today, I want to highlight the importance of providing fresh water for birds in your yard, even during winter. While I apologize for mentioning it a bit late in the season, it’s never too late to start!

Remember the post I wrote about “Helping Birds Survive the Hot Summer“? Checking it out can actually prepare you to help birds throughout the year, not just in winter.
Providing fresh water for birds in your backyard, even in winter, is crucial for their health and survival. By offering readily available liquid water, you help them conserve energy, stay healthy, and increase their chances of survival during the cold months.

Here are some important steps you can take to ensure birds have access to water in winter:
Winterize Your Bird Baths:
- Put away delicate or small baths that may break easily or freeze quickly.
- Position baths in a location with full sun to prevent freezing as much as possible.
- Clean and sanitize the bath regularly to prevent the spread of disease.
- Consider adding a bird bath heater to keep the water liquid in colder temperatures.
By following these steps and providing water for birds in your backyard during winter, you can support their well-being and attract more feathered friends to your outdoor space.